What is E-fulfilment?

Active Ants is one of the largest and most modern web shop e-fulfilment companies in the UK with fulfilment centres in the UK, the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium. 

As an e-fulfilment specialist, we can tell you everything about it. Would you like to know more about what e-fulfilment means and what it can do for your web shop? We would be happy to explain it to you by answering the questions below:

What does e-fulfilment mean?

In short, e-fulfilment is the entire logistic process of order fulfilment for a web shop. 

This includes matters such as storage, order processing, stock management, packaging, customer service and returns processing, to ensure that the orders are handled correctly within a web shop.

Want to know more? Also read; e-fulfilment meaning.

e-fulfilment uitbestedenOutsourcing e-fulfilment?

Wondering what our e-fulfilment solutions can do for your web shop? Feel free to contact Active Ants and ask about the possibilities! 

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What does the e-fulfillment process look like?

e-fulfilment proces

The e-fulfilment process can be divided into 6 steps. We briefly explain the steps below. 

  1. Receiving goods (Goods-in)

    The logistic process of a web shop starts with receiving the goods. At Active Ants, we ensure that the goods are unpacked and checked immediately. Next, we make sure that everything is entered into the IT system. Do we receive your parcels in the morning? Then they are in stock the same day. 

  2. Inventory management

    In our fulfilment centre we work with Autostore storage bins, so your packages are always accurately stored. Your items are always stored dust-free, theft-preventive and very compact. Did you know that we have more than 500,000 bins available between our 5 different e-fulfilment centres for storing your stock? In addition, our WMS (warehouse management system) can be easily linked to your web shop's inventory management system. So you always have a real-time view of your inventory.
  3. Orderpicking

    Do you receive an order? Then our robots in the fulfilment warehouse will immediately start processing the orders for you. Our Autostore robots bring the goods to the order picker. In addition, we have picking robots that pick the products from the bins. Because this process is almost entirely automatic, the chance of errors is considerably lower. 
  4. Packing

    At Active Ants, we have modern packing machines that can pack your orders to the correct size. Is there a package that does not fit in the machine? Then we always have our skilled employees ready to pack the order manually for you!
  5. Shipping

    In every country, we try to connect the best local carrier to our fulfilment process. At Active Ants you can choose from one of thirteen carriers, with whom we ship worldwide. This makes it possible for you to send goods for your web shop both in the UK and abroad. For the Netherlands & Belgium, we even apply a cut off time of 23:59. This means that we can actually deliver an order the next day if the order comes in before that time. That is the pick & pack service from Active Ants! We are still working on the best agreements to make the same possible in the UK.
  6. Returns

    The logistical process does not stop after the shipment. Unfortunately, packages are also regularly returned. These are examined and put back in order, so that they can be put back in the inventory. Moreover, our returns process is set up according to the strict requirements of platforms such as Zalando and Amazon. This is handy if you sell your products via these platforms.

Curious how Active Ants has organised this process? Take a look at our e-fulfilment process.

What is an e-fulfilment company?

An e-fulfilment company is a company that deals with web shop logistics.

An e-fulfilment company takes the entire logistics process of your web shop off your hands, from receiving and storing the products to packing and shipping the orders. 

Would you like to take a look at our e-fulfilment company? Watch the video below for a brief impression or feel free to make an appointment and drop by!

Want to know more? You can also take a look at our e-fulfilment company page. 


E-fulfilment company Active Ants

What is an e-fulfilment centre?

e-fulfilment center

The location from where an e-fulfilment company takes care of the web shop logistics is also called an e-fulfilment centre.

An e-fulfilment company can therefore consist of different e-fulfilment centres, when the company owns several locations. These locations are often strategically located to optimise the logistics process of your web shop.

Active Ants also consists of different locations, with the ambition to grow further. Our company now consists of two e-fulfilment centres in the Netherlands and one in the UK, Germany & Belgium. This allows us to optimally serve our customers, the web shops in the Netherlands & Belgium. 

Want to read more about our locations? Take a look at our e-fulfilment centre page.

Is there a difference between e-fulfilment and fulfilment?

e-fulfilment fulfilmentYes and no. Both fulfilment and e-fulfilment relate to the logistical process regarding the handling of orders. However, there is a difference:

Where fulfilment can relate to the logistical process of both an online shop and a physical shop. E-fulfilment only relates to web shop logistics.

E-fulfilment is therefore a specialised branch of fulfilment. 

Would you like to read more about the differences? Read about it in fulfilment vs e-fulfilment.

Is there a difference between e-fulfilment and webshop logistics?

No, there is no difference between e-fulfilment and web shop logistics (also called e-commerce logistics or web shop fulfilment). 

Both e-fulfilment and web shop logistics are terms that we use for the logistical process of order processing for an online store. In fact, these terms are similar. 

However, there is a difference between fulfilment and web shop logistics. Just like between fulfilment and e-fulfilment. Want to know more? Read about it in fulfilment vs. web shop logistics.

Is there a difference between e-fulfilment and dropshipping?

As an online store, you have three choices as to who will carry out the logistics process:

  • Run the web shop logistics yourself
  • Outsourcing web shop logistics to a logistics service provider
  • Web shop logistics is carried out by the manufacturer or wholesaler (dropshipping)

Dropshipping is a form of web shop logistics in which you outsource the logistics to a manufacturer or wholesaler. 

Do you want to outsource your logistics process as a web shop? Then you have two choices: dropshipping or outsourcing the logistics process to a specialised e-fulfilment company.

Would you like to know more about which option is most suitable for your webshop? Read e-fulfilment vs dropshipping.

Outsourcing E-fulfilment; what are the advantages?

The logistics process of an online store can take up a lot of time. Outsourcing e-fulfilment is therefore ideal if you, as a webshop, want to spend more time on your core business. 

Do you, as a web shop, have doubts about outsourcing your web shop logistics? We have listed the advantages for you:

  • You do not need your own storage space to store the stock.

  • You save valuable time.

  • You are more easily able to deal with peaks periods.

  • You do not need to hire extra staff for this.

  • It is easier to offer shorter delivery times. You can deliver parcels the next day or even the same day.

  • Take advantage of better shipping rates with delivery services.

  • You don't have to worry about staff (or your own) sickness or leave.

Not yet convinced? View the advantages and possibilities in the video below or read reasons for outsourcing e-fulfilment.

Outsourcing E-fulfilment

E-fulfilment voordelenDiscover our E-fulfilment advantages

Would you like to outsource e-fulfilment for your web shop? Feel free to contact Active Ants and experience our benefits yourself!

 verder Discover our advantages

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How do I choose the right e-fulfilment partner?

If you are looking for a logistics partner for your web shop, you have a lot of possibilities. But because the services and conditions differ, comparing them is often difficult. Can't see the wood for the trees anymore? We would like to help you find a suitable partner for your online store. You will need to answer a number of questions in order to determine whether e-fulfilment partner is suitable for your web shop.

  • What logistics service is important for my web shop? And can the logistics service provider meet these?

  • Is integration possible between the sales channel, inventory management and ordering system of my webshop and the logistics company?

  • What is the most important sales area of my online store? And are the locations of the potential logistics partner suitable for the sales area of my online shop?

  • What are the logistics company's minimum requirements for using the service? For example, is there a minimum number of orders per month?

  • Does your web shop have to deal with (large) fluctuations and peaks, or are you seasonal? How flexible is the service of the logistics company?

  • How important is sustainability and limiting the ecological footprint for your web shop? And does the logistics partner meet these requirements?

  • And not to forget: What are the costs for using the logistics services? 

Would you like to know more about choosing a suitable e-fulfilment partner? Also read our blog: How do you choose a fulfilment company for your webshop?

What makes the e-fulfilment service of Active Ants unique?

Active Ants likes to be leading when it comes to innovation within the e-fulfilment market. We continuously optimise our processes and invest in the future. Three subjects are central to this:

  • Sustainability & environment (reducing the ecological footprint)
  • Efficiency
  • Employee welfare

Below, we would like to give you a few examples of our latest developments:

Opening of the most advanced e-fulfilment centre in the World

E-fulfilment geautomatiseerd

In 2021, we were the first in the World to open the first fully automated e-fulfilment centre. Here, our employees work together with robots specially developed by us.

This has made our process faster, more efficient and more sustainable. But at the same time, it is also less physically demanding on our employees. We also need less space for storage of the web shop products by using our Autostore.

Would you like to read more about our E-fulfilment centre of the future? Read about it in: Active Ants opens E-fulfilment centre of the future in the Netherlands

Duurzaam e-fulfilment

The transition to sustainable e-fulfilment

We are working hard on becoming greener and more sustainable within our e-fulfilment process. We do so under the name 'Active Green'. Together with our customers, suppliers and couriers, we are trying to reduce our ecological footprint. Curious how? Read about it in: Active Green with Active Ants: The transition to sustainable e-fulfilment


Outsourcing e-fulfilment to Active Ants?

Wondering what we as an e-fulfilment company can do for your online store? Get to know Active Ants! Contact us without any obligations or schedule an appointment at one of our locations!